Fundraising Progress
Raised $103,579.16 as of 1/30/25
Less Expenses 1/21/25 -$1,465.00 Fundraising Bricks
Net = $102,114.16 1/30/25
The timeline is completely dependent on the funds raised. Our timeline goals are as follows and will be updated as each phase of the project is achieved:
- Saturday, April 12, 2025, 9am-Noon: Community work morning planned. Looking for 10 community groups of 5-10 volunteers each to weed eat, rake, pick up trash and limbs, clean gutters, etc. Families are also welcome to join the effort. Please email if your group is interested in learning more: [email protected].
- January 2025: Phase I fund raising has been completed. We expect work to begin on the roads in mid January, weather permitting. Phase I will patch and level the roads inside Magnolia and prepare them for asphalt overlay. The state regulated perpetual care fund has agreed to allow a one-time dispersement of $100,000 to go directly to road repair/resurfacing. This part of the project will cost $200,000. Falcon Contracting has been awarded the contract by our advisory board.
- August 2025: Complete Phase II fundraising and begin those improvements. This phase would provide for asphalt overlay on the roads inside Magnolia at a cost of $266,000.
- August 2025: Complete Phase II fundraising and begin those improvements. This phase would provide for asphalt overlay on the roads inside Magnolia at a cost of $266,000.
- September 2025: Complete any additional projects for which funding allows.
- People who have generously donated so far: Rex Alman III, Leigh Althaus, Barbara Anderson, Patty Maudlin Anthony, Arrowhead Holdings, Melissa Bailey, Mrs. Scott C. Bailey, Scotty Bailey, Pat Bayless, Mark Bebensee, Emilie Bobo, Jim & Kaye Boggs, Jan Boothby, Andy & Lesli Braddock, Chuck & Sharlyn Braddock, Justin Branton, Connie Brister, Richard W. Bryan, Kathy Bryan, Shirley Bufkin, Margene Bullock, Ward Calhoun, Phyllis Campbell, James Q. Carlisle, Margaret & Carl Carver, Duncan Chalk, Janet Chalk, Gloria Chancellor, Chet's Paint & Body Shop, Geoffery Clark, Charlene Clayton, Grey Cobb, John & Ann Compton, Patricia Corey, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Corey, Deanna Cornish, Stephen & Neil Covington, Sidney Covington, Randy & Teresa Crawford, Amanda Gaston Cross, Juanita Crowe, Barbara Crudup, Wilhelmine Damon, Sarah Neville Darcy, Chad Davidson, Dorothy Davidson, Lindy Deen, Holly DeNike, Sandra Dennis, Bill Dorman, Howard Dubose, Wendy Duffy, Charles Dunn, Winfield Dunn, Genie Durden, William Elliott, Katherine Epps, Cathy Feltenstein, Daryl Grady Fitts, Dennis & Lynn Florreich, Tony & DeeDee Fouts, Emily Garrett, John M. Gartrell Trust, Pete & Phyllis Gaston, Lorraine Ennis & Pete Gaston, Jim & Patti George, Barry Germany, David & Mary Gilmore & Gail Gilmore, Wink & Lanelle Glover, Sherri Goldman, Bobby Graham, Donald M. Graham, Pam Graham, Kenny Griffis, Gerald Hannah, Lee Harris, Robin Long Harshbarger, Alan Hart, Greg Hatcher, Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Heggie, Susan & George Hill, James L. Hobgood, The Mina Beth Hodge Trust, Stephanie Holifield, Fonda Holladay, Cyndy Howarth, Richard James, Raymond James, Elizabeth Jeffares, Tracey & Dwayne Jones, Patricia Richardson Keating, Jimmy & Peggy Kemp, Penny Kemp, Sally Kennedy, Anne Miller Knight, Elmer Knight, Marybeth Kynerd, Arjen & Dena Lagendijk, Dr. & Mrs. Earl Laird, Sharon & Fred Landers, David & Cathy Laney, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Lawyer, Denise Lewis, Magnolia Steel, Inc., Rev. David McCubbin, Suzanne McDonald, Kelly McQuiag, James McRae, MHS Class of '72, Joe Middlebrook, Jan Miller, Edward Baskin & Eddie Miller III, Joan Christopher Mitchell, Sonny Montgomery Foundation, Scott & Susie Morgan, Angela & Wilbur Mowdy, David & Kayla Mowdy, Betty Muse, Charles Naylor, George Neville, James Altus Newell, Jr. family, Stacy Wright Newman, Jerry Neyman, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Nunnery, Belinda Bennett Ott, Marie Pace, Gale & Bobby Parker, Christine Persson, Charles & Cathy Porter, James & Penny Purnell, Ken & Cheryl Rainey, Joe Ramia, Louise Rawson, Beverly Ray, Christine Riley, Barbara Robinson, Adelheid Rosenbaum, Susie Rosenbaum, Jana Sanders, Lydia Sanders, Joyce Shaw Scott, Patricia Scott, Mary Semmes, Brenda Corey Shelton, Shepard Family, Ginny & Henry Shurlds, Wade & Helen Sims, Dr. Hank Singley, Linda Smith, Randy Spears, Scott Stone, Marcus Stone, Ken Storms, Kelly Swain, Richard Tew, Milburn & Judy VanVeckhoven, William Vicars, Dr. Stanley Wade, Jr., Walter Wagner, Fayne & Jayne Walker, M.L. & Kim Waters, Kim Watts, Paula & Wyatt Webb, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Webster, Alex Weddington, Richard Wilbourn III, Betty C. Williamson, Jerry Willoughby, Ralph E. Young Rentals, Debbie Young, James R. Young, Ralph Young, Jr., and several anonymous gifts.