Tax-deductible contribution
This link will take you directly to the Magnolia Cemetery Beautification and Improvement Fund at the Community Foundation of East MS.
Mail your donation to:
Community Foundation East MS
P.O. Box 3977
Meridian, MS 39303
Notation: Magnolia Cemetery Beautification and Improvement Fund
Purchase a brick to be engraved with your family name. Only 500 bricks will be available. Bricks are 4" x 8", and bricks will be placed in the center of Magnolia Cemetery surrounding the flagpole.
Each brick costs $300, and you may order your brick and engraving through this link:
Join these people who have already purchased bricks:
Memorial bricks by these people were ordered on January 6, 2025 and will be placed around the flagpole in the cemetery sometime in February:
Anonymous, Chuck & Sharlyn Braddock, Justin Branton, Connie Brister x 2, Shirley Bufkin, Duncan Chalk x 2, Gloria Chancellor, John & Ann Compton x 2, Bill Dorman, William Elliott, Dennis & Lynn Florreich, David & Mary Gilmore & Gail Gilmore, Bobby Graham, Pam Gray, Tracey & Dwayne Jones x 2, Arjen & Dena Lagendijk, David & Cathy Laney, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Lawyer, Suzanne McDonald, McRae Family, MHS Class of '72, Sonny Montgomery Foundation, Angela & Wilbur Mowdy, Stacy Wright Newman, Neyman Family, Mr. & Mrs. William Nunnery, Marie Pace, Gale & Bobby Parker, Christine Persson x 2, Charles & Cathy Porter x 3, Barbara Robinson, Jana Sanders, Joyce Shaw Scott, Wade & Helen Sims, Randy Spears, Scott Stone, Marcus Stone, Ken Storms, Ralph E. Young Rentals, Debbie Young.
Memorial bricks by these people will be ordered for engravement in a couple of months and be placed around the flagpole this summer:
Cyndy Howarth

Purchase one of 6 benches to be placed in shady spots throughout the cemetery. Placement selection is limited. $6,000 donation. See the photo of the sample engraved bench. Place your bench request interest by email at [email protected]. Since there are so few of these, folks can reach out and express their preference, first come, first served, of the location of their bench.